
I hate having no inspiration, no good ideas and just feeling unmotivated. I have not came up with anything good in 1 year now so i just sit around rehearsing the function s i already know. If anyone has a good tip for coming up with ideas. Please let me know :)

TLDR I never get good ideas. Plz help.

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    Pick up older projects and make them again. Ideias will pop-up
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    Ideas are all around you. Improve others lives or your life, automate a time consuming task, monitor and alert by integrating sw with inexpensive sensors, help people with disabilities, entertain people, build community, build a really simple tool for business users.

    If you look at the world through a 'what if' lens you will have too many ideas and will have to prioritize. Have fun 😀
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    @edisonn I build websites, apps and games.
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    Find a framework or product you don't like and build your own, better, version! Then at the end you can try and sell it to people if it's good!
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