
I created two projects and they are now under testing. Now i am working on two other projects (& more to come). I'd be working on something but i get a lot of emails to do some changes or fix some bugs.
I feel i'm slow but it's only me working on those 4 projects, i can't stop something and work on something else!!
Should i work more at home? Or is it not my fault?
Nobody complained on my work, i'm giving good results although i feel i am losing control, but what if they think i'm a person who can't manage well? any advice???

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    sir the answers to your questions lies in a book "A mythical man's month" .. You can thank me later
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    @rookiepatty did you just give me a 300 page answer? Anyways, I'll thank you right now :D
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    Also 'the ONE thing' is a pretty decent book which covers the topic. Long story short:
    Block some time in the morning where you don't take any requests for other projects and focus on the one you are blocking the time for.
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    hm, prioritize todos, then keep working one issue at a time until it is complete, then pick the next. sounds slow but you will be more effective than if you have to refocus your thoughts over and over while jumping around between things
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    Thanks for your answers guys, really appreciated!
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