
"Yo IT support the mirror crashed again"

  • 5
    @LastDigitOfPi I know, but that's how I imagine the call would be like :p
  • 1
    How couldn't I see this coming
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    @hubiruchi you where probable distracted by your own beauty 😉
  • 11
    - Yo momma is so ugly she made the mirror crash just by looking into it.
  • 2
    please tell me what, exactly, this is

    a spy mirror? *looks around*
  • 7
    "This mirror is under maintenance and or unavailable. Please use another."
  • 1
    press tap to enter setup
  • 1
    Wait...how the??!
  • 0
    The tap is over the screen in the reflexion. Photoshop fail?
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    @TheOct0 it's a two way mirror with a monitor behind. Same technique is used in magic mirrors.
  • 0
    @jonii With a two-way mirror, you can't see your reflection if there is light coming from the other side. This monitor is obviously emitting light, so you shouldn't be able to see anything in its place.
  • 1
    @TheOct0 that depends on the light transmittance. As you can see in this case, it is indeed very possible, since I'm 100% certain, besides a little cropping, that pic wasn't edited :)
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    @jonii You took the picture yourself?
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    @jonii I also wonder why you can't see the border of the plane if it isn't 100% light-obtrusive
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    so someone pasted a little skewed rectangle there and then bothered himself to put the tap over it so fine?
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    @beleg I don't know. Seems weird to me.
  • 2
    @TheOct0 yesh, saw it with my own eyes, captured it with my own smartphone
  • 3
    @jonii I'll trust you then. I thought it was an image taken from the Internet ^^
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    If anyone is confused this is called a smart mirror and it's basically a half transparent mirror where you put a screen behind it. It looks really cool and is on my todo list for some time in the future.
    Look it up it's awesome :)
  • 1
    There is also a camera behind that window. Be mindful of your actions.
  • 1
    I need time to reflect on this.
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