
Entered a demake game jam and can't decide whether to demake DOOM (2016) or Skyrim...

Hmmm, choices and choices, anyone else have suggestions?

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    @Charon92 that could boost work effort, hmmmm, don't mind a bit of mick Gordon while coding
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    Vega Core. +500% work speed
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    @Charon92 except I'm horrible at art haha, if I can get anywhere I'll probably just build the first level basics, if it does then out fun I'll continue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    what is demake? is that some kind of reverse engineering?
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    @wowotek no you make the game but dial it down. So I'm taking the 2016 DOOM and making it a pixel art top down 2d game
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    @Charon92 I'm horrible at 3D though haha, although I do like that idea!
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    @SanitizedOutput for me I think that's more of a hobby project, haven't messed with the og doom engine so would have to learn to walk again I think
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    Dwarf fortress!

    Then you demake it using a raspberry pi colored led matrix.
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    @S-Homles-MD ironically I've called it gloom haha, I'm horrible at pixel art so hopefully I can do it proud haha
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