
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend? You have such a great personality”

“I’m a programmer.”

“Oh. I see.”

  • 12
    She's probably still compiling.
  • 6
    @1989 @starrynights89 , Maybe both of you are right. She’s in python so there shouldn’t be a whole lot of waiting time🤔
  • 7
    @Loading username checks out 🤣
  • 8
    Haha it’s obviously a joke😂

    I really haven’t wanted to get a girlfriend since I’ve learned how to program and just wanting to get though college before I try to debug a girls feelings
  • 5
    $ make girlfriend
  • 4
    You just gotta find the girls that can appreciate a sharp mind.
  • 8
    Oh please, enough with this dumb stereotype.
  • 2
    npm install girlfriend

    * SpongeBob *
    * A few days later *

    npm module not found
  • 2
    @2lazy2debug @brano88 @AlexDeLarge

    Real convo between me and another. I said “I’m a programmer” as a joke, and wasn’t expecting their response.

    Thought it would be funny to post here and not as another ‘bullshit stereotype’ as said🤔
  • 3
    In our office most developers has gf/bf. Most >5yrs
  • 4
    Almost all of the programmers I work with are partnered, women and men both. 🤔I could see this stereotype maybe if you're in high school or college but beyond that, I honestly don't understand. It's your choice what you do after work.
  • 3
    @HollowKitty Well high school does suck, that’s where I am right now🤷‍♂️
  • 9
    @Loading None of the social scene stuff that happens in high school actually matters. Anyone who says that high school was the best time of their life is someone whose entire life peaked in their teens, which is super pathetic to everyone else. Better to bloom late than peak early. The cool girls and guys from my high school now get to pump my gas and serve my pizza when I go back home to visit my parents. Yes, there are developers who live and die alone bc they are legitimately shitty people, but for the most part, developers who are decent humans and have a bit of social skills have no problems making friends or finding partners in the real world. At your age I wouldn't worry about it, focus on your studies and try to put as much good back into the world as you get out of it.
  • 2
    @HollowKitty Aye I’m thinking the same 100%. I’m not too worried😅
  • 1
    Yeah! We are doomed to be single! With all the money, skills, and insight we get from our experiences everyday who'd wanna be apart of that?
  • 0
    I have a great personality because I don't have a girlfriend
  • 0
    She's 404 not found!
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