
if (condition == true && condition != false)

  • 3
    (the first statement already outputs true)

    also what @CodePatronus said

    or Ghost.IsBehind
  • 6
    @beggarboy r/woosh 😀
  • 1
    @ceee I am gonna blame the painkillers and antibiotics on this one...
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    @CodePatronus no, becouse the function isBehind is inside the human class. So you are essentially checking from the humans perspective, I think
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    @CodePatronus dude, it's just a meme. But I take back the function part, looks more like a variable in a class, but if thats the case then the variable must be updated when the human updates. And the isBehind, that could just be poorly named ghost checker variable, or the ghost is the only thing that exists besides the human. And if it is checking behind for anything, then we could just say the "whiteness" is just a void, so if Mr ghost is not behind, then false

    Btw. I am reading it as CSharp(C#)
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