How do you like my setup? Ubuntu laptop on the left, windows laptop on the right.

(And giant rubber duck upper left 😼)

  • 2
    Love it, nice and tidy. Only thing I'd possibly change would be your wallpapers, id personally have a wallpaper that covers 2 screens at a time instead of 2 identical wallpapers if that makes sense
  • 1
    @dufferz yeah, makes complete sense, but all of the screens are different sizes and and resolutions, which makes things a little tricky
  • 2
    Get creative in photoshop, I had a similar issue and managed to alter the wallpapers I had (fairly minimal ones to be fair) so they at least aligned properly. Colors are another issue but that is less easy to solve
  • 5
    Your lamp looks like an UFO hovering, cool setups btw
  • 0
    Really neat! Would switch for a disposable desk though 🙈
  • 2
    Too confusing. But good to watch orgy porn. So 8/10
  • 1
    Millionaire detected
  • 1
    (@FrodoSwaggins) love the setup only the windows part is 😬
  • 0
    @linuxxx i know... I have both laptops setup as a dualboot for windows/ubuntu, but I have been using windows for my main machine and using the other one running ubuntu as a server...
  • 0
    Awesome machines😍
  • 0
  • 0
    Fractals!! Mandelbrot!!!!!!! Wow!!
  • 0
    @garret oh yesssss!!!! I did see it before but the first time I watched it I laughed the hardest I’ve ever laughed.
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