
I'm going to spend the night with a rapidly flashing blue LED in my room.

I'm currently fixing an HDD, and the access LED is just going crazy. That's gonna be a long night.

  • 5
    Black insulating tape and duct tape are your friends. ;)
  • 1
    Or just hang a sheet between you and the light.

    Or move a chair in the way
  • 1
    @nin0x03 insulation tape is what I put on all the flashing lights in my sleeping room
  • 3
    Desolder the LED, add a resistor, or just use some masking tape.. kinda sucks that they use blue LED's in the first place though.. red and current limiting to 1mA would be so much better :/
  • 1
    Somehow I fell asleep regardless, but it wasn't pleasant ^^'
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