
This is 100% accurate. Women can code just as well as us guys!

  • 4
    I wasn’t aware they couldn’t.
    I believe “the “women can’t code” bull shit lies with assholes who are threatened of a women doing a better job then them.
  • 5
    Never seen someone argue in favour of that, I do wonder tho, how the hell did MySpace teach people to code?
  • 3
    Unpopular opinion: not in *my experience*. I'm sure this is *not all women* (in exactly the same way many people have to say *not all men*).

    Just be smart. You'll get a good job. Capitalism doesn't care. That's not to say it doesn't suck.
  • 1
    @C0D4 this is 100% accurate. I posted this because I’ve had classmates and colleagues who have told me of their struggles against preconceived notions. It’s crummy and things like the small “brogrammer” subculture don’t help matters.
  • 1
    @JKyll CSS would be a good starting point. My first exposure to any code at all was through MySpace. I quickly learned that I needed to learn a real language to do anything cool.
  • 1
    is "women can't code" still a thing?
  • 1
    @omigator it's always been a meme
  • 0
    It is probably other women saying that women can't code because it is not women like.
  • 0
    I legit have never heard people saying that women can't code. If anything most devs wish there were more women around since normally it is a sausage fest and I don't like to be surrounded by dudes all the time.

    But yeah, wonder what goes on in some places that make people post such things. The first programmer was a woman Ada King(The countess of Lovelace). The first compiler(or at least the notion of it) was developed and coined by a woman(Admiral Grace Hooper) and so and so forth. Matter of fact, programming was(some time in the past) considered a womans profession!

    Its interesting to see really. At one point it seemes that social norms modified the field to make it the sausage fest that it is today.
  • 0
    … and kids can code... and men can code... but not everyone enjoys spending hours everyday staring at a screen full of lines of code trying to figure out how to solve a problem. Some people enjoy this and can do it everyday... some people can't. This whole bullshit of "[Insert Gender, ethnicity, race, age] can code" bullshit needs to stop because it is raining the IT culture.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 It is not social norms... this is what you get when each is left to their own devices. people make choices on their own. I agree that we love to have more women in the IT field but I'd much rather see it happen organically because they are truly interested in it than having movements pushing (not encouraging) women to write code only because IT (or programming) is a male dominated field. Because it is male dominated doesn't mean it is bad or it has to change. And I prefer change to happen naturally rather than forced.
  • 0
    @xaero at my place, coding is fine, but they can't do mechanical engineering (that's what people think)
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