
Hey, I had a question. How social are you all IRL?

I'll explain myself. IRL, I don't talk to anyone unless they talk to me (which I don't seek) for example. And regarding friends, I've never had more than one "buddy" each school year, unconsciously dropping them once we weren't linked by school anymore. There is only two people I have kept throughout the years and that I'd call friends, one of them is my girlfriend.

That being said, I know I'm especially asocial, but I'm curious how everyone is here :)
We often hear "Computer people don't have many friends blabla" but I'm curious about that ^^

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    Very social. I love meeting new people, being around people, organising events for people to come together, doing collaborative idea sharing meetings etc. When I'm actually coding I like peace and quiet with no distractions, but in every aspect of work and life I like to be around people and interact.
  • 4
    According to my roommate I have a lot of friends/know a lot of people. But in reality I have social anxiety and these people basically had to drag me into friendship at some point. I'm also bad at maintaining contact, I basically just text people to make plans and even that not very regular. The exception are my online friends, I've met my fair share irl already as well. Edit: I also enjoy being with friends, so I've been open to meet new people or do something. And I'm bad at saying no to people I like.

    I'm glad I have them all though <3
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    I don't like humans. Most of them are not interesting. I'm only anatomically a human 😝

    I can't just start a conversation, I'm shy, too shy... BUT if there's any reason talking to someone else just out of interest... I can talk forever.
    Have endless minds, endless thoughts about everything possible and impossible, logical, illogical and abstract, brutal, bloody, colorful... but no ideas (except for some games (RPG) and somehow horror things (well that's not difficult 😂) whatever).

    I have friends ofc and my family and some acquaintances (from university e. g.).
    Making new friends is easy... but these people need to be somehow interesting... they're boring as fuck. 😴
  • 4
    Since having kids, I miss the social life I once had.
  • 7
    I can't stand people IRL. They're usually stupid annoying attention grabbers.
  • 6
    My social skills are pretty shit. I'm usually Father Stone in terms of how talkative I am

  • 4
    more friends more problems
  • 6
    It's okay to be the way you are. Embrace it (sounds like you already do ;)). Otherwise, it's okay if you want to be more social too.

    I was painfully introverted. I stuttered too. After graduating, I made it a goal to practice being open and social by going to programming meetups, teaching at high schools and colleges, and staying at hostels when I travel instead of booking hotels. That was years ago and I can say now that I'm pretty sociable. I have all kinds of friends and I can have a good time out. I will probably attempt stand-up (nerd) comedy eventually. ;)

    I still have moods where I must be alone for a while with my books and computers though. It's all a balance, I guess.
  • 5
    I'm pretty asocial too. I find most of the people really boring or annoying, except for a select group of individuals.

    On the other hand, I'm not good at initiating conversations. When I meet someone new, it can be a long while until I'm comfortable enough with that person. But once they pass the probation period, they discover I'm a nice person to keep around.
  • 2
    @S-Homles-MD Well I've got one friend I'd drop anything to run help, and then there's the girl I love. Other than that, there are people who talked to me. Those people get dropped off as soon as we don't have any place we see each other without choosing to.
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    @1989 Yeah, but the whole world could just snap out of existence, those are the only two people I'd be worried for. The rest of the world evolves around me, but it could be empty of people for all I care
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    I've got about a dozen friends I chat with regularly online, with some almost every day. But I rarely see anyone IRL now that we no longer see at school, and I sometimes feel lonely because of that. At work I see people I consider to be good friends of mine.
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    I’m going through an antisocial period right now, but I’m trying to get over it because I’m getting married soon and I want friends to come to the wedding.

    See the thing is I had friends, had a really tight knit group of 5 friends but every single one double-crossed or disrespected me in some way over the course of about 6 months. We had all been friends for nearly a decade. People change I guess. But what went on I mean, I just don’t ever want to see any of them again really.

    Here’s the weird thing, I deal with being alone I know quite well. However, I also love to have social time with friends. I’m still trying to make new friends, and even if they all betray me again in a decade, I’ll probably try to make more friends.

    I have had some really great times with friends and I like getting out and doing stuff. Yes bad things will happen but there’s a lot of good in getting to know people. And yes there are some shallow boring people out there but there’s good people too.
  • 4
    Always been an introvert.

    Last 2 years I’ve changed and I love talking to people, completely different person
  • 0
    @Loading Did you make it happen or did you just change?
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    I'm in the middle :) I love having time for myself to think and relax without pressure or distractions, but on the other hand I don't despise some good company from my buddies.
  • 1
    Your description could describe me to!
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    I love meeting people who I can have interesting and meaningful interactions with (conversations, etc) and have a fairly wide and diverse group of friends.

    Otherwise, nope. I hate small talk (but not Smalltalk), social niceties, petty politics, and all that rubbish. And large crowds. Hate large crowds.
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    @ItsMrSammeh Well I have a slight personality disorder myself, so our behavior come from different sources :P
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    I'm extremely charming and modest.
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    @rant1ng I can feel your modesty
  • 2
    @TheOct0 can you also feel the charm though
  • 1
    @rant1ng I trusted you on this one, modest people tend to underestimate themselves
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    As I get older, my social skills worsen. I'm increasingly more awkward and I can't casual talk. I simply cannot bring myself to pretend I'm interested in people's vacation to [insert traditional vacation spot here]. I have never had a girlfriend, and only a couple of friends I actively talk to.

    Then again, I've got depression to worry about on top, so that probably skews my personality. I still talk to people every day and can be quite sociable when the situation calls for it. I wouldn't really call myself anti-social for that reason, but I suppose it's in the eyes of the beholder.

    Most people seem surprised when I tell them about my situation, so take that any way you wish.

    Essentially (varies about 50/50, sometimes overlapping):
    good days => very sociable
    bad days => complete shutin
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    @buried Well your "case" isn't all that unusual. Once you feel better about life things will probably unlock up, including the girlfriend. At least that's what people I know that were in your situation evolved.
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    @TheOct0 Yeah, hope so.

    It's kind of a catch 22 though.
    Loneliness makes me depressed, depression drives me away from people. Ech, life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    @buried Yeah. Get well soon anyways.
  • 1
    @TheOct0 Thanks :)
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    I hang out at a e-sport pub from time to time where I often meet people with interest in games, computers and coding.. and that is pretty neat.

    If I got time, I don't say no to a nice chit chat and pint of ale, but when I'm working I can be quite isolated and roar at anyone that breaks my focus. ☕👨‍💻
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