
You know when you get blocked from company's webmail, from their slack and everything they have... but they don't have the courage to tell you "you're fired"?

Well, now I do.

Almost a year working for someone, and they just locked me out - not even a "bye sucker!" or anything.

  • 2
    wtf? does this really happened? unbelievable ... 😳
  • 0
    @2erXre5 Yup. Happened to me on last friday... really unbelievable :/
  • 1
    Shit people.
  • 0
    We've done it a couple times to truly horrible teachers, with that said though the teachers usually know that it's probably coming and they do get told that their fired but usually after we've already locked them out, forwarded their emails to their replacement/perm sub and made copies of relevant emails that might be requested regarding their firing.
  • 0
    @gitlab My point entirely is exactly that - not only they didn't tell me anything - they completely ignored my emails on the issue.

    In all my years (I'm 43, working since I was 18), I've never even heard of such thing.
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