
Just got asked "How much experience do you have with the current JavaScript standards? I'm talking ES6 and ES7" in an interview with what I assumed were technical people.

I chuckled and said "I'm comfortable with ES8" as a joke but everyone just nodded and moved on..

  • 5
    "I'm comfortable in es8 and am starting to learn es9 and 10"

    *nods* "okay sounds great!"
  • 10
    "I've been using node version 8.9.0 for 10 years now"

  • 4
    Not surprising, they are just buzzwords to them.
  • 3
    And this is why the HR drones hire jackasses
  • 12
    "we're looking for someone with 10 years of angular and React experience, who is also a junior level developer and has hands on experience with Java, C#, HTML, C++, COBOL, and AS400, who can write an iAndroid app for us to sell on our WordPress site and be done in 3 months. Pay is 12.50/hr with no benefits and you need to start last Tuesday."
  • 0
    @AshMountDigger that's how i feel in my job..I get less pay though
  • 0
    "7 years of experience with React.JS"
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