
Why the fk is there still no dark theme for google calender? Mostly for phones. This shit is lame google. Even freaking outlook has a dark theme by now!

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    I'm using Etar (found on F-Droid).
    It has a dark theme 🙈 It looks nice, too, btw ☺


    Edit: Btw... there is a dark theme - just substratum, the style "Swift Black" ☺
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    Unfortunately, google doesn't seem to like dark themes since even their browser and search engine doesn't have one :( my eyes curse them.

    Edit : i am not about dark themes which just changes the top bar to dark. I am talking about complete dark theme.
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    Dark Reader for Chrome/Firefox (even mobile)

    Substratum + e. g. Swift Black for many apps (WhatsApp, GApps (+ Inbox), Firefox, Chrome...)
    Used Black DNA (or sth. like that), too. But Idk if they support Android 8+... 🤔

    Well... :/ It is possible but sometimes bit meeeh.
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    @Irithyll i am not talking about 3rd party themes either, they have no choice but to fuck up with colors.
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    I know but for now it's the only way...

    It's worse for me that many tech / programming websites have blind-blending white and eye/brain-killing ads, too (I'm using ad blocker, never see them 😂) and no other themes... 😢
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    @Irithyll you can use stylish for other websites, it is a little time consuming but worth the hassle :)
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    Stylish... as I said - Dark Reader 😂
    It's easier for me to just make the website dark, black... with some more settings ofc

    Don't need pre-written styles and I don't want to write it myself... :x
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    @Irithyll I don't like dark reader because it messes up colors very bad on some sites. Then you have to appreciate what you have :)
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    That's true. In my case these problems are more or less irrelevant because these specific sites are e. g. forums where it's very easy to create new designs.
    But in 99% of the cases there are no problems (with sites I visit... and these are a lot :3)

    Btw... please use Stylus instead


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