
Testimony found on freecodecamp that made me laugh.

  • 8
    should'nt that motivate you?
  • 12
    @taosif7 This type of testimony should be on r/thathappened my man
  • 23
    I joined freeCodeCamp with zero knowledge in web development. 6 months later, I landed my first job as a TensorFlow engineer.
  • 38
    I was in a really bad shape when I started going to the gym. 6 months later, I bought a really nice car.
  • 9
    web development is frontend only?
  • 9
    Isn't backend part of web dev?
  • 37
    Not to be rude, but I can't help but think that anyone who thinks web development doesn't include backend development is either extremely ignorant, or an asshole that thinks they're more important than everybody else...

    Frontend is almost always completely useless without a backend to provide it with data and allow it to interface with that data, just as a backend is nearly useless without a sane way for a user to display the data and interact with it... They are both deferent sides of the same coin, and neither is particularly useful without the other...
  • 3
    @On-fire Yeah you're right. I'm being sarcastic, but now that you mention it, I don't know about the others.
  • 4
    What's wrong?
  • 5
    Ah, that's where all these shitty WP plugins come from.
  • 2
    Similar happened to me, was self studying front end stuff, only thing close to back end I new was Java for desktop dev which was also self taught for the most part after an intro class in college. Now I do C# .net dev work. When I went to school for design. :| Totally meant to get into UX UI but oops
  • 1
    Though I do a lot of front end too for internal applications. A lot of knowledge can be transferable
  • 2
    What's wrong with that one ? Have you tried FCC by yourself? You should. It's a great platform to learn frontend backend. So many eager to help you out if you got stuck. Because of that so many landed real jobs and now helping to improving the FCC Curriculum. It's free and it Certificate has value.
  • 2
    Front end is presented to us from back end.
  • 4
    @TheOct0 Yeah, that's why I didn't specifically address what anyone said, just that general attitude. I know that some people are joking, but I also know that there are too many frontend devs who actually believe that they are God's gift to mankind and that they are better (and that their jobs are SO much harder) then backend devs (or ops guys.) Not that even a lot of them are like that, but even 1% is way too many...

    To be fair, some back end devs are like that too, but not as many because they know nobody would use their API without an interface. Yet if you told certain frontend devs their awesome interface was useless because it had no data they would just respond with "No it isn't! Just look how pretty it is!" 🙄
  • 2
    I don't get what's funny about this.
  • 3
    at freeCodeCamp, they teach front end only and man got a backend developer job.
    Find the irony
  • 2
    @fahad3267 really? I was under an impression they provide whole web stack course
  • 2
    @fahad3267 @varundey Yeah, no... They teach frontend, backend, and even data visualization and QA...
  • 5
  • 7
    Must not have stayed there long though
  • 6
    Developer of software - I understand.
    Developer of business - I understand.
    Developer of people - wha..? 🤔
  • 11
    @gsn16 He's a sperm donor for sure
  • 3
    @TheOct0 ya now it makes some sense 😅
  • 2
    considering the code I've had the unfortune to come across, this seems plausible.
  • 1
    @On-fire Full stack here, it's just a joke. Freecodecamp teaches both front and back, I just thought the guy was funny for highlighting that he learned web development specifically but got a job in the back end. No ignorance, no assholeness. Just found it funny.
  • 2
    @TheOct0 @ethernetzero I didn't realize how memeable this was!
  • 1
    @mordax Yeah, that's amazing :P
  • 4
    I joined freeCodeCamp, 6 months later 900 emails accumulated in my spam folder.
  • 1
    @TheOct0 he forgot creative, lead engineer, evangelist, trickster
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