
2AM and a birthday party of my BELOVED mother that I have to attend tomorrow in the middle of bumfuck. And I'm not sleeping, oh no.. because "family obligations" require me to get her a present on 2 days notice. I'm making her something very simple, some LED's displaying her new age, powered by a lithium cell and some charge-boost-protection controller. So I need to make a mesh to place the LED's to make those characters.

Measuring the size of the project box, cut it out.. started drawing the numbers on it. Not satisfied and ain't nobody got time for that. Guess I'll just print something out. Drew a little image with some text on my tablet, sent it to the printer. Black apparently doesn't want to print anymore even though it's still fucking full.

HP YOU CERTIFIED MOTHERFUCKERS!!! How fucking difficult can it be to make a printer and make it into something that doesn't shit on me every fucking time I want to use it?! Why do I have to deal with your shit, on top of my mother's?! WHY?!!!!

Fuck me. Happy birthday to my mother, and silently I wish that it's her last one. The bitch wouldn't - no she didn't - piss on me even when I was on fire!! Where were you "dear family member" when I was homeless, huh?! WHERE WERE YOU, WHEN I STOOD ON TOP OF A BRIDGE, READY TO END MY LIFE AND BEGGED TO YOU TO ALLOW ME TO STAY IN YOUR HOME FOR THE NIGHT?! Mother my fucking ass. A blood bond that I wish I never had! And that I have to work for now, because you fucking bitch can't even possibly think as far into the future as to invite your peers for a birthday party.. I dunno, maybe a week in advance, like a sensible human being would? At least she's improving, my little sister's and brother's birthdays she just invited me for the day before. And I also had to get a present ready for, in the middle of the fucking night. Fucking hell!!!

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    Jesus Christ that was probably the most intense rant I've read.
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    When my mum died about 4 years ago my stepdad leaped on the opportunity to kick me out and make me homeless. Not my other siblings!

    Some people have really close family, I was close to my mum (and I thought my stepdad) but the truth came out when mum died. Others don't and they get their strength from friends who become family. And that's OK.
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    Wish it was a microshaft rant, because it's not somebody should have to go through, but glad you're still here after all that.
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    @JoshBent there's still too many fuckers in this world to prove wrong for me to prematurely end it 😉 persistence is key. Even in this hellish environment that is life, I can't be as cowardly as to run away.

    @nate sorry to hear that. Family (or those whom you consider that, like a stepfather) can be evil creatures indeed. Homelessness which I (and my mother too FYI, which makes her having wished that upon me even more ridiculous) have experienced firsthand is something that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. That is hell. It makes one question the very nature of human rights.. they can't always be taken for granted.

    @Brosyl @Stuxnet most certainly.. it's something that's been gnawing on me for years now. Family, blood bonds? Hell no. This place.. this is my family. Meanwhile the only reason why I still visit the people that I grew up with every now and then is merely formalities. And it mentally damages me every time I have to do it, knowing that they wouldn't give a shit about me if I needed them to be "a supportive family".
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    @Condor 👏 Fuck 👏 some 👏 people 👏 even 👏 if 👏 they 👏 are 👏 "family" 👏

    In these situations, Family doesn't mean everything. Sometimes it 👏 doesn't 👏 mean 👏 shit 👏 .
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    @nate pretty much. For me it's a grotesque social construct that almost obliges you to unconditionally love the people that may not deserve it. I hate that. If only I could just completely break bonds with them.. but my little brother and sister still live with the woman who catastrophically failed to raise me (I haven't lived there for half my childhood). I like my siblings, so I force myself to visit them periodically to see how they're doing. Just not the person that they happen to live with. In terms of electronics I could call her a parasitic capacitance and a megaohm impedance I guess.
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    Take some sleep bro..
    And I am sorry for being a jerk and posting such a deep rant with tag 'algostrikesagain'.
    That post is deleted now.
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    @rm-rf-root I quite liked the rant though 😅 just that I'm really not in a good mood right now. Essentially this is an issue on my side, so please don't feel bad about it!
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    Wow. Glad my mom and dad was never like that. But family will fuck you over quicker than a stranger. In my case it's dumbass cousins and aunts that want to make me look bad to make their crackheaded kids look better
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    I wish for you to have a nice day, even though it's not dedicated to the nicest people..

    Though, I gave up on gifts for, or talking to, mine.....
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    I'm dieing to know where the middle of bumfuck is
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