Hey guys! So I need advice/strategy’s on how to let someone go in your life. It all started when I became friends with this person through other mutual friends, at first I didn’t even think twice about him. But now we started talking more and I realize he’s funny and nice, however, he does do some pretty bad things I don’t agree with. And whenever we are in public he ignores me and goes off with my other friends, how do I stop stressing about this. I really just want to let go of this person and move on, go back to not even thinking twice about him. I need help on how to do this, thank you so much for your time and advice.

  • 4
    I don't know how comfortable you are with being honest, but me being me, I would just have told him what I think a long time ago. Prevents unpleasant situations.

    Now if you want to let go of someone, I don't see any other solution than cutting communications or telling them. First one makes you appear like an asshole, second one is blunt and can be perceived as offensive. You could also make the second one sound like a warning, but I'm not sure that's what you want.

    I hope you'll find a way that suits you.
  • 4
    Also, welcome to devRant!
  • 3
    I agree with @TheOct0. Go and talk to him, see how it ends up. To be honest, you have nothing to lose anyway.
  • 2
    Yeah, speak to them. That's almost always the best thing to do. Also, welcome!
  • 0
    Well you just let go. Ignore him, don't reply back, and he'll lose interest anyway.

    It may be more difficult on your side to stop thinking about him, but the easiest way out is to have something else that occupies you and binds your interest.
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