
People who know basics of HTML, CSS and start searching for the web developer Jobs are the same people who buys a pencil and assumes that he is an artist 😀

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    Not if the job they look for is template creator or some shit like that
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    Yup shitty job @mundo03
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    Those who knows basics and keeps boasting about themselves@Alice
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    So my current job is mostly server side C# and client side JS, with some HTML and CSS thrown in there as needed, and my title is Web Developer. Titles in this industry are highly nonstandardized.
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    @Alice I would say EXCESSIVE bragging makes someone an artist that is too full of themselves. I think it's possible to brag a tad and it still being in good taste.
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    @Alice Fair enough. Really I should probably read the full conversation before commenting ^_^

    Although I think there is kind of a progression in any kind of skill, artistic or otherwise, and often the first level involves a fair bit of bragging so I give newbies a fair bit of leeway along with cynical skepticism. I think it goes something like this, assuming you don't get sidetracked:

    - Look at this thing I figured out I am good at! Isn't it so fucking cool?!?!!? LOOK AT IT!!!!

    - Oh wow other people are so much better at this thing that I am good at than I am. Huh maybe I should chill a bit about how good I am.

    - Wait am I even good at this thing?!?

    - Um hey look at this thing I did. I know it's not great but it's kind of okay yeah?

    - Oh wait I actually am pretty good at this stuff, it's just way more difficult than it seemed and even the experts aren't experts.

    - Hey look at this thing I made! Pretty cool yeah? Any ideas on how to make it better?
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    Ary hemil bhai chill !
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    Don't be so serious @Alice
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    @hemil19 Where have you seen @Alice bragging about herself? I mainly see other people saying how great her webdesign of her own website is. And saying people shouldn't be so serious? As long as comments don't have a sarcasm/joke tag and they are not obvious sarcasm/jokes for a third party then it must be seen as a serious comment which can be reacted on seriously...

    I'm not sure why but the last few weeks I've seen multiple "attacks" towards Alice. Comments that were so called "jokes" which were not funny in from my point of view offensive.
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    @Codex404 I assume Alice asked whom the OP was referring to, and he answered her question. Only that her question isn't visible anymore because she deleted her profile in-between.
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    @Fast-Nop aand that would be the case for multiple attacks towards her in the last few weeks?

    Sure its all Alice her fault.... /s
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