
Ohh... really....

So I bricked my phone last week and had to factory restore to get it working so lost all my apps and data...

There were a few I created for myself and use but I don't do Android dev anymore (and Google decided to remove all my apps from the appstore but then again I don't care, no one uses them)

Anyway I couldn't find a good replacement on the app store.... so i pulled up the source code from my back up drive... and luckily found the compiled APKs too :)

But thought well heck might as well just publish the code but apparently... it was already published...

  • 2
    I think you just have forgotten to update some of the descriptions in the play store. happened to me as well. After I found the right passus and corrected it, they listed my app again.
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    @2erXre5 well I don't do Android dev anymore. Maybe got tired of keeping up with all the changes with each API version or because there was very little interest especially since I don't bother making the UIs pretty.

    I just wanted the APKs so I could install since I no longer have Android Studio.

    Are the APIs easier to use/build now?

    I was also thinking could use electron + Cordova if I really wanted another app, then can kill 2 birds with 1 stone and lesson React.
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