They can just buy a different name right ?

  • 21
    yeah sure but the will at least be pissed of when they See that the Domain is already tanken. And if they really want that Name they probably will agree to pay a small amount of money for it 😀
  • 32
    Believe me. One of the most difficult part of starting something is finding a good name.
  • 17
    @anon404 that's why it's easy: Don't choose a GOOD name
  • 4
    @Nino9612 Agreed 🙌🏽
  • 15
    name is EVERYTHING

    fuck execution, the validity of your idea, knowing the market, knowing the customer, being able to code competitively, working hard into the wee hours of the night for years before it actually makes good money, etc

    It's the name. Everything is magic after that.
  • 3
    @S-Homles-MD the domain is dead tho
  • 3
  • 2
    Calm your tits, Satan.
  • 3
    Buy it is another domain xyz.tv xyz.com xyz....... What ever who care !me
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