My first try at greentext.
>Be me
>18y.o recently recruted to a university
>1 month before moving to the university
>Be alone with his computer && electronics hobbys
>My town sucks
>Go on first year student integration camp
>Yay im going to meet a lot of people like me!
>Camp near the lake, 100km from home
>Day 1/7
>Moved my stuff to a house
>I dont know anybody
>Meet 3 friends who are going to live with me
>One of them is great, i like him, he likes to code, uses mac and iphone (it suffices for his needs, he understand everybody else who thinks otherwise)
>Two of them are pro party guys / alcohol vaccums
>Fucking pricks with their boombox
>99% of students are just there to drink a FUCKING LOT
>Day 5/7
>I had been drunk only once at the camp and i havent drunk since because of AlcoholAfterEffects®
>Have a sad moment due to me wasting my time and money here.
>Totaly wasted my time... and found nobody like me
>After that day i meet 2 programers
>I have taught them OOP
>Had a great time
>Night game!
>Bizarre student party rituals
>Use my torch i made literary 8h before the camp had started
>Torch is made from pvc pipe, 9v battery, chinesium buck converter, old led module, switch
>Find the guy with the HUGE TORCH
>Wow. Is it the 100W homemade floodlight?
>Conversation about our constructions
>Both sides were looking for a friend with similar hobbies
>Exchange the contacts
>Hopefuly meet thogether and make few projects in the future
>Present time
>Got 3 friends in one day
>But still dosent understand the huge amount of alcohol nearly everyone is drinking

  • 12
    AlcoholAfterEffects® did it for me πŸ˜‚
  • 5
    How can I be you 🀷‍♂️
  • 6
    boring? bad? with mental problems?
  • 6
    Ugh, party people.
    They're always vacuous, wannabe-popular sheep.
  • 4
    @Root how THE fuck did you survive the corps then?? My unit was full of drunk party kids.

    I fucking hated it
  • 2
    @Root Wonder what happens to them after graduation... Sigh
  • 2
    @AleCx04 πŸ˜‚

    I don't enjoy talking about my time -- I wasn't in willingly -- but that kind of person didn't seem to last long. Usually they just sort of disappeared, and we never knew why or where. Honestly I never really cared, either. A few went awol, so I can imagine what happened to them.
  • 0
    Didn't walk the dinosaur, disappointing
  • 0
    Feels kinds of nice not having attended university now ☺️
  • 2
    @Root Not at all. I enjoy “extra curricular activities” on the odd weekend. It’s just a fun release after a week of poor management and retarded users.
  • 4
    @delegate212 I'm not saying drinking is bad at all haha

    But the type of person who seems to live solely to attend parties and get wasted -- that kind of person is exhausting and so very sad.
  • 4
    @Root @AleCx04 now that I reread my comment, it sounded like I enlisted because of a court order or other legal trouble. Nothing so pleasant: my parents (the abusive and controlling and manipulative assholes they are) made that decision for me, and it was off to boot.
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