
Why do node.js devs think it's okay to deprecate older functionalities while replacing them with barely-working ones riddled with bugs?

Is this a node.js community thing?

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    NodeJs - unstable and requires frequent changes to your projects unless you version pin your dependencies and pray they don’t get removed.

    I like my place in hell, but this just makes Satan roll over in his grave!
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    @C0D4 christ almighty i'm so annoyed because the same implementation of the thing i made works with an older version (albeit with a deprecated function) of the framework

    Sometimes I ask myself why I signed up for this.
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    @oraro I like the concept and ideals behind it being able to run a single language for your entire stack, but having dependency hell is not for me.

    Give it time to mature properly and I might take it serious.
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    Its more a Javascript community thing
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    Sounds more like an “unprofessional developer” thing to me
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    Have done node for like 2 years now
    Do you have any examples?
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    @oraro And what is stopping you from installing the version that you need?
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    @inaba i'm building code over it, not entirely making a new one. Switching versions would destroy the entire system.
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    @oraro Then I'm not sure how you're encountering a problem unless in your package.json it says to install version "*"
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    @inaba Thanks...was also wondering how the affected package File Looks Like
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    Hi! I'm a node.js developer. I am too busy for those things. I use dark theme in my text editor, to give the impression that I'm coding in terminal in a no-gui os like or I'm a fucking linux kernel developer or something.

    I have a lot of stickers on my macbook but I take special care that macbook logo isnt covered. I prefer coding at Starbucks instead of office and I hope the chicks here notice me right now.
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    @wateringdisease Oh, you love to spread hate, don't you?
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    @MonkeyParade I'm trying to stop hate from being spread :) one day you'll see.
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