aight this mans gone officially insane

  • 45
    That's a really fucking stupid reason for the shares to drop.

    Like my God can we (The States) just fucking legalize the shit already?
  • 21
    @Stuxnet We need to hire snoop dogg for a massive PSA campaign.
  • 13
    @starrynights89 Ponder to the county fans by using Willie Nelson as well lmao.

    Through in Wiz and we have an unstoppable trio.

    But seriously, I'm from BFE NC and a lot of people I talk to (including hardcore conservative old people) think it should be legalized.

    Could always tax the shit and put it to good use fixing: our fucked up roads or the cheap ass education system we (NC, can't vouch for other states lol) have.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet Iowa has pretty bad back roads and my city could use a ton of help with infrastructure. Legalize it, regulate it, tax it.
  • 6
    @FrodoSwaggins obviously. Main reason why it has not been legalized is because of a difference in opinions even though all research points at it being ok for recreational and medical use. But fuck that devil lettuce until we can figure out how to turn it harmful for real and when we can figure out how to keep people in jail from it!!
  • 5
    @Stuxnet it should already been legalized. Smoked it a couple of times and can't figure out what the big deal is. One feels a thousand times worse from drinking and the effects are considerably higher from fucking alcohol. This shit is stupid
  • 7
    @FrodoSwaggins notice that I
    1) did not say shit about smoking it being harmless

    2) made any mention whatsoever about wanting to do this for my own benefit

    3) said that i is a completely pure substance and that there are no harmful effects over "mind altering substances"

    Not only are you basing your argument on something that I did not say, but you are adding extras.

    My point is: all controlled substances are dangerous, and indeed alcohol being the main one is extremely dangerous, in this regards alcohol is far more dangerous than the effects of cannabis and this is really a non biased fact. Right wingers normally nit pick and say otherwise based on the "of course your research says its harmless!"
    Else the right would have never done Reefer Madness eh?
  • 4
    @FrodoSwaggins and the argument that 'liberals wanting it to go against the right' is far from real.

    Liberals aren't the only ones that want it......... by a wide fucking margin.

    Me in particular would rather see a dude laying down on the floor laughing historically from a good bong hit whilst watching spongebob that hear about another fucking asshole that decided to rape someone because he got that good liquid courage going on.

    Aaaaand still the number of deaths associated to cannabis is:0, the research for it being used to treat and control ailments is even more convincing considering that alcoholic consumption never alleviated the hurdle of cancer over anyone.

    I am not saying that you are for alcohol, i believe you stated before that you don't drink. But if a substance that fucks you up royally is legal, whilst a safer one is not...well
  • 2
    And bought some of his shares. Man people selling over pot. Psh
  • 3
    @FrodoSwaggins oh and everything you said did not come from your normal "my way or the highway" attitude?

    Gimme a break. I said what I had to, but attempting to change the mind of who could very well be the most biased user in this platform ain't gonna be my deal of the day bud.

    Furthermore something not being of your particular taste or preference is not enough grounds to completely cancel it out.
  • 2
    @FrodoSwaggins suuuuuuure buddy. You are 100 percent right as always. Your logic faaaar surpasses my own and that of everyone here. Fuck, that of everyone in the entire planet!

    "Not everyone shares your opinion" that is fine. I am not the one thinking that my opinion should be forced upon others because it is the only valid one. Nor am I the only one that believes that my absolutist point of view is the only proper way of going about things.

    Lmao "get ready for it" nooo dude on the internet plz don't hurt me. Original thinking, geez. How can you see us mere mortals from where you sit?
  • 8

    To take a more extreme attitude:

    I'm a proponent of legalizing meth, cocaine and heroin.

    Do I believe they're harmless? No, of course they are harmful. Would I advise anyone to use drugs? Nope. Many categories of drugs are dangerous, and many types of people fall into deep pits.

    But if I compare the picture where:

    1) Vulnerable indebted people are recruited to stuff their anus full of drugs, fly to local mafia bosses which disperse their cut up wares through couriers, thugs and whores, and reinvest profit into machine guns and trafficking operations...


    2) A pharmacist prepping powders in a mortar and capping pills, performing rigorous QA on the product, selling it to a consenting adult, paired with an brochure about safety, offering a short path to rehab/therapy, with profit flowing into prevention & education...

    Well? Legalize meth, cocaine & heroin!
  • 2
    @FrodoSwaggins lmao you seem to care an awful lot there sweetness.

    And by your logic :
    Not your opinion === shit & generic

    Dammit this dude is pure glory lmfao

    I ain't kicking and screaming, seems to be that the only one fighting here is you.

    Settle this with a beer instead my dude, or coffee or juice or whatever does it for ya.
  • 2
    @FrodoSwaggins nah I'm good. Rather be like you and be smart and all knowing
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins you break my heart sweetness, you really do.
  • 4
    The levels of sarcasm in this conversation is beautiful.
  • 1
    @CoffeeNcode i did already. I am more than happy to agree to disagree . Anything else is just pure fun.
  • 2
    @bittersweet Sir. You should be a politician.
  • 3

    I think it is very dangerous to prohibit something which is not directly harmful to a third party.

    I value the right to self-determination of individuals, if you want to be drunk, be drunk.

    You do not have the right to endanger others while drunk, and doing so would be an aggravating fact to any transgression -- but that does not mean drug use itself should be illegal.

    To use an example of sexual harassment: Should thinking about that hot intern while fapping at home be illegal? Damn, even if your girlfriend dresses up like that intern and spanks you with your macbook... as long as you keep it between consenting people, no one has the right to prohibit those actions.
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode Being a troll is awesome at times, honestly.

    I used to do it on Instagram all the damn time. Aside from the countless number of insults I got calling me ugly, it's hilarious to see people lose their shit over really trivial nonsense.
  • 5

    I was a politician for a year, until I discovered that the steering wheel is not connected to the rudder.
  • 4
    @CoffeeNcode I couldn't give a shit how (the vast majority of) people view my character. I have a few friends that I would like to keep around, so I try to behave when I'm with them. But other than that, I'm not tripping over myself to impress anyone.

    As long as I'm having fun and happy with who I am, that's genuinely all I care about.
  • 4
    @Stuxnet @AleCx04 @AlexDeLarge @CoffeeNcode @FrodoSwaggins

    I am happy that people still have real adversarial but meaningful discussions on devRant, instead of only giggling about stupid pun tweets.
  • 4
    @bittersweet Typical programming jokes and puns are cancer. (Yeah yeah. There's that week when you discover them and are amused because you understand them. After that, it's just annoying and unamusing.)

    I cringe anytime I see someone actually wearing those cringe worthy shirts with shitty programming jokes on them.
  • 2
    @bittersweet that's really sad to hear, on a lot of levels.
  • 2

    No, quitting politics made me optimistic. I always felt like humans are ruled, even in democracies.

    But many political decisions are about redistributing a few percent of purchasing power, and many are about writing policies to fit bigger societal tendencies.

    There are very few sweeping decisions being made, even though the news and politicians might spin it that way.

    I consider myself "an extreme moderate" -- I have become adamant in the conviction that the political field should be as stable, measured, boring and passive as possible. No outliers.

    Governments should change direction in tiny nudges. Revolutions should happen in economies and local societies, because political revolutions are destructive.

    That is why I write code.

    Code can be economically revolutionary, and in some cases far ahead of policy.

    Encode what is good, refactor what is evil, and fuck the government.
  • 4
    @bittersweet in Canada where I live, politics is really boring, and not sensationalized.

    In the U.S. it is a spectator sport.

    Again, well said. I'd love to work with you on a project someday.
  • 3
    @FrodoSwaggins Trump supporters were silent because they'd likely get verbally or even physically assaulted by people who claimed peace but we're ironically being bigots.

    I talked to some people who were trump supporters at my uni (like while he was running, they were students) and they showed me a video of them getting spit on by someone who was asshurt.
  • 2

    Oh I certainly don't want to insinuate to not bother with politics, just maybe be a bit less interested in parties & politicians.

    Compared to national politics, working for (or better, starting!) a company with a mission you believe in has a bigger impact. Collecting money to improve a local park has a bigger impact. Donating clothes to your poorer neighbors has a bigger impact. Teaching a computer class to kids at an elementary school has a bigger impact.

    The power of the people is expressed more heavily through tangible actions than through votes and policies.
  • 0
    Elon's vision is great and all. But as a CEO, he should know how his place. I don't understand why the heck he is doing all this silly things and engaging in Twitter rants.

    Internet should be taken away from him. I don't think Elon is a business magnet, maybe a trouble magnet, because of all the silly things and verbal stunts he is doing.
  • 6
    yo @Stuxnet what @starrynights89 the @FrodoSwaggins fuck @AleCx04 is @jespersh going @SHA-16384 on @skprog here @AlexDeLarge i @CoffeeNcode created @bittersweet this @rant1ng thread @HoloDreamer so i can share this interesting news and all u guys do is spam on my thread, i cant even be bothered to read
  • 2

    You can @SukMikeHok if you don't like it.

    You see what I did there? Heh
  • 1
    Who cares? Really?
  • 0
    It's a goddamn free country. Do what you want, just leave me out of it.
  • 1
    I honestly couldn't care less what the guy does.
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins The reason weed was made illegal in the first place is actually a funny story.
  • 1
    The stocks fell immediately $10 the same minute he smoked the joint.

    Elon has 30 million Tesla shares.

    That means that joint did cost him $300 million.
  • 0
  • 0

    Strive to prevent it from affecting you. Talk to those who cross lines.

    I will fucking punch people who smoke near me, but I do not think tobacco should be prohibited.

    Discouraged? Possibly. Prohibited? No.

    I occasionally use LSD and other psychedelics, maybe about once a month.

    I use it in relatively high doses at office parties (comparable to downing a bunch of cocktails), sometimes even in low doses while working (comparable to a Friday afternoon beer).

    People at work know I do this.

    It is my sole responsibility to take care that it does not bother a single person around me.

    It is my responsibility to finish my work. To not drive home but take an Uber instead, so I do not endanger others. To not drool over the Uber's seats. To do the laundry when I get home like I promised my gf.

    If I let the world completely melt away and I waver in my responsibilities -- I do not think I could be considered an adult, and would not be able to consent to using drugs.
  • 1
    Maybe this will be the catalyst for more common sense..

    Besides, I think anyone that works over 100 hours a week deserves a joint.
  • 2

    Apart from the joint, if you watch the whole interview you just see a vulnerable, weakened, but incredibly honest and resilient guy.

    I prefer CEOs to NOT put on a mask, I like it when they just say: "I'm fucking exhausted and at the end of my rope, my lifestyle and character makes it difficult to know when to stop, but I'm driven to better myself"

    So what if you show vulnerability? At least the guy is human, and has a pretty strong ethical awareness about how the world should progress.
  • 1
  • 0
    @Stuxnet I would not care if it was not clearly stated that it is forbidden to do drugs in the company policies.
    He as the chief disobeyed and deserved that drop in shares.
  • 0
    Just feel the need to share this https://youtu.be/hd87x2SO88E
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