
This is an actual duck that the city of toronto rented for a weekend, for no good reason.

  • 11
    Why they needed a reason?
  • 6
    What better reason you need than that majestic picture XD
  • 13
    Toronto has it's priorities figured out. I should move here.
  • 5
    So that the whole city can do duck debugging without buying one.
  • 4
    BEHOLD! The master duck has been summoned!
    *all d devs kneel and offer their respects*
  • 4
    Ducks and battleships
  • 4
    Stand on the bridge and yell about all your bugs to it. Bring developer friends to do the same!
  • 4
    That's one huge fucking duck.
  • 2
    The almighty duck...this is our secret weapon we pull out in case of XDBG!(extreme debugging)
  • 0
    Love how there's not only a small boat in the foreground, but also a freaking battleship in the background so you can get a clear picture of the duck's size. Magnificent!
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