
Was just thinking of building a command line tool's to ease development of some of my games assets (Just packing them all together) and seeing as I want to use gamemaker studio 2 thought that my obsession with JSON would be perfect for use with it's ds_map functions so lets start understanding the backend of these functions to tie them with my CL tool...

*See's ds_map_secure_save*

Oh this might be helpful, easily save a data structure with decent encryption...

*Looks at saved output and starts noticing some patterns*

Hmm, this looks kinda familiar... Hmmm using UTF-8, always ends with =, seems to always have 8 random numbers at the start.. almost like padding... Wait... this is just base64!

Now yoyogames, I understand encryption can be hard but calling base64 'secure' is like me flopping my knob on the table and calling it a subtle flirt...

  • 1
    It's sad how often encryption and encoding get confused.

    But from a developer that's more than shameful!

    Maybe they're German? We use the same word for secure and safe (sicher). And it might be argued to be more safe, than other ways?
  • 1
    @Sefie I'm kinda guilty of this to be honest but nope they are from England, kinda weird...
  • 1
    *scratches head*
    I'd love to see some docs for that.
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    @Sefie https://docs2.yoyogames.com/source/...

    Enjoy, did just noticed that the file can only be loaded on the device you create it on... Doesn't that kinda defeat its own purpose?
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    @lxmcf well... They actually say they store the data encrypted in a secure location. Not much wiggle room for favorable interpretation.
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    @Sefie even though it's just base64 with padding that I assume is like a machine UUID... Wouldn't call that secure in anyway, would be better if they dumped it as a bin file (which the engine has the ability to do)

    Small disclaimer, I have used GameMaker for years and it is rock solid but it does have some questionable functions and ways of doing things
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