
Make a wish

  • 9
    I wish people would stop making cringe worthy programming jokes (ie missing semicolon or arrays starting at 1).
  • 1
    i wish that you people ++ this comment 😅
  • 1
    I wish that I was allowed to do things with c# instead of cringe old languages at work.
  • 1
    I wish to kill some people.
  • 1
    @Jakuho well that’s already in your power
  • 1
    @Orni Nope, I'm so weak I won't even be able to kill a fly. Also, to kill people I actually need to see them, which I hate.
  • 1
    @Jakuho lol
  • 2
    I wish that the intelligence of an engineer becomes the norm in society. That people become just a little bit smarter than they currently are. Maybe in the year 3000 it'll eventually come true..

    Anyway, congrats!
  • 0
    I wish I would stop sabotaging my own life on a regular basis.
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