
Why do you like Linux... Any distinctive reason?
Side question, your fav distro? Why?

  • 4
    I need a lightweight os and to learn or testing new tech or stack, my first distro is linux mint, hasn’t changed it yet.
  • 4
    - Security
    - highly Customizable
    - lightweight
    - free

    Don't have a particular favorite distro.
    Ubuntu is my Goto-Distro, if I don't know, which one to choose.
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    Imma be real with u chief, ion like linux, ijus ont like windows
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    After a lot of distro hopping and flitting around, I settled on Ubuntu. Yes. Boring af choice. But it's still Linux, so, here we go

    It's a Linux distro, so you can customize it the way you want. Plus security/privacy and all that jazz. I also kinda like the new GNOME based UI, hated Unity.

    Ubuntu easily has the best support in terms of tools and hardware. That means less headaches for me. If you're following a tutorial, using a particular tool, or just bought a cool new gadget, chances are that the instructions will be for Ubuntu. I'd rather not spend an eternity configuring stuff, thanks, I need to get actual work done too. Also, things like CUDA drivers are painless on Ubuntu.

    I also run Arch in dual boot just for lols. Also to improve my 'nix knowledge. Also, I run Ubuntu Server on VPSs. All the work I do is now inside containers so I'm actually considering moving from Ubuntu, but I'm used to it now.
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    @theKarlisK I will next time thanks for the suggestion
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    Because the two cluster machines I have access to are running Linux...if my reasoning is legit
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    Any comments about Arch Linux?
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