So I'm working on this project in Django, right, and I've used it a lot. I love it, personally, I enjoy using it, it's great. And when I run it locally, it all works like a dream. Nothing is wrong, all behavior is as expected, all of that. Then I deploy it and let me tell you it is a DIFFERENT story. The same source code, same versions of Python and Django and what have you, same urlconf, but the thing DOESN'T WORK. Like most of it is fine. But posting an update to a database object throws a 404 (!!!works on the development server!!!), resetting passwords just sends you back to the index page (you get the email and the 'we just sent you an email' page on the development server). I think something is out to get me. I'm being haunted.

  • 0
    are you sure with the file permissions?
  • 0
    I'd say about 92% certain. But I hadn't thought to look.
  • 0
    Docker is your friend
  • 1
    I used to get that kind of thing when I would forget to migrate the deployed version. Or worse, forgetting to collectstatic pre-deployment.
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    Yeah turns out it was the hosting platform. I deployed to Heroku and it worked spotlessly.
  • 0
    @AmyShackles Yeah I learned that the hard way too after a couple dozen stupid migration/static file issues.
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