one is simply not enough

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    3? Amatuer.

    I have 22 alarms set.
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    Sleep in between 2 alarms is quite awesome.. make it bigger time span
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    @Stuxnet I'm at about 30 I think 😅
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    Try alarmy
    2 is enough to wake you up
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    If I were you, I'd never be on time. 3 is just not enough.
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    Can relate. Thank god I have my two dogs who are waked up by the first ones.
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    Did someone say alarms?
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    @gymmerDeveloper was just about to post mine too haha I have one for every 15mins, 4:15 - 10:30. gg rip.
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    Try puzzle clock it gives you a challenge to solve before you can turn of the alarm;)
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    @TheSilent i'd rather die
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    @linuxxx I should probably have 30 lmao

    I sleep through 12 to 18 of them already.

    I don't actually need to be awake until around 7:30, but I start trying to wake up at 6:15 lmao
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    @notAnkur False.

    I use AMdroid or something like that with an NFC tag.

    I'll get up, go to my bathroom, touch the tag, crawl right back into bed and sleep again lmao
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    Am i the only one who doesn't need more than 1 alarm ? I even actually wake up at 06:50, no matter how many hours i sleep.

    I have never been late or overslept because i couldn't wake up on time.

    I sometimes close the alarm completely and let my circadian rythm handle my sleeps. Never overslept.
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    @illegaldisease thats because you are fully passionate about what you are going to do at the start of each day. also known as "no alarm clock needed, my passion wakes me up"
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    @illegaldisease turning off the alarm and went back to sleep? #hastagyolo
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    @SukMikeHok I wish, but it is maybe true.

    That only happens when i want to. No matter how i feel down or have nothing to do next day.
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