Not here to disturb y'all , but am a little sad because our cute little boy honey has wandered somewhere and hasn't come back for last 2 days. :'(

I don't know what to do, we searched the whole area nearby and there are no signs of him. We have also alerted a few neighbors who aren't bad to animals.

But i guess it's his time to go out. We always had many cats , and we live on the topmost floor, so cats usually wander over to different terraces and come back after a few hours. But there is always a day, when they go away, nd never comes back.usually the female cats return, with stomach full of babies, but the boys are full Roadies, king of some random place

Its just my heart says he hasn't gone forever. He is a super dumb, and not very much of a bold boy. I think he fell somewhere in an empty home,and couldn't find his way back. ;_;

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    😥😢😢😢 he is fine 😭
    And he will come back 😭😭😭😭
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    @ceee i wish 😔, its just that my mom is also too sad about him.
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    Sorry to hear that, last year someone stole our cat (we found him stray but she always came around our house and sometimes sleep at our landyard). My mother won a cat competition with her and a few weeks later my neighbour throw her away somewhere far because of jealousy.
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- I know, humans are shit
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    @TitanLannister put his litter tray outside, uncleaned. They can smell it from several miles out, and soon enough he'll pop up.
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    @devTea Is that even legal?
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    @jAsE-Official it’s a stray cat originally and no authorities here care enough to handle pet lost. My mother just overheard them talking that they did throw our cat away. But we decide not to do anything and hope someone kind enough to take care of her
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    nope, its 4 days and he isn't still here. no signs of him . hope he is having a good life wherever he is.
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