  • 17
    @norman70688 "Oh. My. God. You're right! Shameful! Let's change it to a 'person' command."
  • 4

    Atleast there is dig
  • 2
    Man is short for manual
  • 2
    @redpanda101 You are trying to reason with logic against people that reject that very idea. It does not work.

    Besides, some of those "snakes" will just try about anything to bring the rest of the world down to their level.

    I linked this article in another thread but it's still relevant to show how far they are willing to go. The person in said news pretty much forced the adoption of a text she wrote herself, then added a clause without notifying anyone just to get to one person.

    Here's the added line: "This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community."

    Source: https://itsfoss.com/linux-code-of-c...
  • 2
    @Jilano stfu or they really going to do this. All i say to this is master/slave..
  • 5
    But if at all there was a doggo command.
    It'll be the one that cd fix everything.
    Every bug.
    Every error.
    > doggo
    Executes what was going in your mind you don't even have to write the actual command.
    > doggo
    Your life is better and you are happier.
  • 0
    Because then the "tac" command would have to be "god" and that would cause religious discussions.
  • 2
    There's a tail command though!
  • 3
    @redpanda101 that's what they want you to believe.
  • 1
    ... what about "mutt"? The email client, I mean.

    (*Comment about it not being a default UNIX command*)

    ... I'll show myself out.
  • 0
    @hubofeverything actually clever, tbqh
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