
"Programmers like you develop Internet Explorer."

  • 2
    Wait. Are there programmers developing Internet explorer?
  • 1
  • 8
    You can all stop!
    This one wins!

    That´s a third degree burn right there!
  • 2
    Savage :D
  • 1
    That’s too much.
  • 3
    Savage af! 🤣
  • 4
    WoW this is really going to far.... this is not a joke anymore.... you really went for the kill but instead removed them from existence...
  • 1
    Can't be worse than programmers who develop adware and pop-up surveys though. I'd rather do hr work
  • 2
    It would be a honor for me to work with the team of IE.
    1. You work for MS which is a plus in my CV.
    2. Since it is MS you learn how to do clean code and how to manage tasks.
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