
I'm on the hunt for a secondary laptop. Gonna try this Linux Arch and use that laptop for development. Anyone got any suggestion on a relatively inexpensive laptop that would fit that criteria?

  • -1
    i uSe ArChr LnUx Im sUcH a cOoL hAcKleR
  • 0
    @SukMikeHok It never crossed my mind to hack anything with Linux Arch. I just like minimalistic look of it. I don't even know how to "really" hack (excluding D/DoS, XSS, etc. since it's not really hacking). I'm just looking for recommendations for a relatively good, lightweight laptop.
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    @RantSomeWhere you're evil
  • 1
    @Fexell you want minimalistic , use unix. GUIs are for pussies.
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