Web Developer with no common sense: “I’m going to query the currency calculator API for each of the 1000 records to convert.”.

Web Developer with common sense: “I’m going to query the currency rates API and use the calculation to convert each of the 1000 records.”

  • 3
    Exactly my approach.
    I query the API once a day and store that calculation for use in currency conversions all day long.
  • 4
    @fahad3267 I query it every hour, and depending on how much percentage it differs I query it again in 30min.

    Money is a fucking hell.
  • 1
  • 0
    @hell yeah!!


    (Don't do this with crypto tho... request that when needed or use the payment platform itself to convert it)
  • 1
    I'm using this conversion to show estimated prices to potential customers on the front-end.
    It's credit card transaction API's job to deduct real money based on realtime calculation.
  • 1
    @fahad3267 that's great separation of concerns there.
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