This poor fella is asking a simple question we've all asked it before.. It makes me angry to see that some beginners get discouraged thanks to the toxic community at stackoverflow, many of the idiots on stackoverflow forget that they were once beginners and didn't know a thing.. Even if the question sounds stupid for you, why can't you just help them, instead of being an ignorant smartass.. 😠

  • 6
    I've been programming for 9 years and never been part of the stack overflow community, I just never digged the user interface.
  • 1
    @JKyll That's one of the reason i don't go too, it's just confusing
  • 3
    You are at the right place Mr.
    After having trained through devRant Toxic Environment and having received shitty insults here, you'll feel that stack overflow is just a breeze.

    I'm just joking if it hurts you.
    I ain't joking if it doesn't.
  • 2

    So if you're hungry and find a fridge full of your favorite foods, you'd pass because you don't like how the fridge looks?

  • 0
    @telephantasm I don't think i could pick a food from someone else's fridge, if it was mine then i would've liked it
  • 1
    @telephantasm nah, but I wouldn't live in the fridge. I do browse stack overflow but I don't like the design and the community can be really shitty.

    So I open the rusty fridge, get what I need and close it. EZ.
  • 1
    I think they try to moderate and regulate conversation too much. They do it with the good intention of improving quality, but I'd say that could be fixed in a less annoying way through community-driven feedback and/or reputation systems.
  • 1
    @JKyll ah, I see. By "never been a part of the community" I thought you meant you didn't even browse around SO. Sorry. I'm practically in the same position, I'm a lurker >:D
  • 2
    SO is not meant to help individual people, it's meant to be a Q&A site. If the topic is already there, but people are too lazy or too dumb to search and want to be spoon-fed, then the SO assholes are right to unleash their whole assholery on these wackos. Fuck wannabe-devs who are too lazy to search, that's one of the most important skills for a dev.

    The issue with SO is that 1) a definite Q&A site in a fast moving domain like tech is a stupid idea to begin with, and 2) the SO fuckers don't bother to even understand the questions before closing them under some stupid pretext.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop 1&2 if they fixed that I'd gladly join
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop disagree with point 1, althought you are right about the constant change in our line of work, knowledge doesn't turn obsolete, so, it's really good to have a masive knowledge base like SO. Totally agree with point 2.
  • 1
    @telephantasm the issue is that the time you'll need to sort out the now useless or even wrong answers will only increase, defeating the purpose of a Q&A site more and more. What once was signal becomes noise.
    Information obsolescence management is simply missing in the concept of SO. It was just thrown into the wild without much long term thinking, and it shows.
    The basics remain relevant, but tutorials are a much better format for this.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Not only that, fields which have seen major improvement in the last couple of years still get a load of legacy answers, and those answers often end up with the most upvotes
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