For fucks sake! It's 2018 and MS™ Excel™ is still not able to store a file in UTF-8...
And neither can you choose the separators when opening a CSV.

Go eat a bag of corporate dicks and greedily choke on it to an agonizing death.

  • 8
    For the CSV issue: just use the Text Import feature, you can set the separator there.
  • 6
    And for the other issue, try "File / Save As... / CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)"
  • 1
    @jaytar Tab "Data" and Import should indeed suffice
  • 0
    @jaytar thx! I'm used to the kind of dialog OpenOffice has, which in my opinion shows a better UX that MS' way. They seem to just care about their kind of CSVs.

    @joycestick thx, I didn't know that!
    yet my problem is when opening UTF-8 CSV files. Excel stupidly uses the system charset...
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation I'll add that to my list of reasons why I don't use Excel for CSVs.
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