Just heard someone call Linux a programming language. Kill me now

  • 22
    Kill HIM now.
  • 20
    He also said that every good programmer knows assembly. Basically saying that you can't be a good programmer unless you know assembly. Built a program used in the medical industry that will save millions of lives but you don't know assembly? Well I guess you're not a good programmer.

    Just..fucking hell, I've posted a rant about him before just being annoying as fuck
  • 8
    don't let him breed
  • 8
    I will come to his burial ceremony.
  • 5
    What's the address 🗡️
  • 4
    Plot twist: they said "I code in Linux"...
  • 4
    @piehole maybe they were talking about bash lol
  • 8
    @piehole @segfault0xff Nope his exact quote was "Linux is my favorite programming language".
  • 5
    @Biggy @notAnkur I'll make a post when it happens and tag everyone that wants to come

    @notAnkur Also the address is
  • 5
    @jase 😂😂😂
  • 7
    [ $UID = "0" ] && kill -9 $(pidof moron) || sudo kill -9 $(pidof moron)
  • 4
    LiNuX iS a PrOgRaMmInG lAnGuAgE
  • 4
    Just use kill -9 on him
  • 3
    I was added by someone who referred to HTTP Post, HTTP Get, JSON and XML as "technical software".
  • 1
    Wait. I thought it was wireshark! (Referencing to an older rant)
  • 2
    Me: "..No, you fucking idiot, Linux is a kernel, nothing more, nothing less"

    Him: "I know, but it's also a programming language"

    The shit I deal with every fucking day
  • 1
    Happened to me too.
    Third semester computer science student, I told some colleagues that I checked out the linux course that was offered
    "I don't visit the course I already have enough to do with Java, another programming language would be bad"
    Me: "It's an operating system"
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