
Good fucking God non-technical iPhone owners are such a fucking cancerous group

"You're just mad because you're broke"

"Lol broke boy."

"That potato ass camera though"

"Shut up before I take your battery out."

Like fucking Christ what an autistic buncha fucking brainless monkeys. We should have a Holocaust for ignorant cunts like them.

  • 20
    I could get behind a Holocaust for fucking idiots anyday
  • 7
    Oh non-technical owners. Yep I agree. What about us technical owners 😏
  • 8
    Count me in.
  • 1
    Mixing with the wrong crowd yo.
  • 3
    @heartbleed I wish I had a golden pony. There's nothing in the world you can't joke about
  • 6
    I died at "shut up before I take your battery out"
  • 7
    @heartbleed It's a joke, sometimes you need to say extreme shit to let off the frustration you're facing. And anyway this isn't tumblr. Or facebook.

    Edit: We need to keep posting more politically incorrect content to keep this place from getting infested with sjws.
  • 5
    @yansch Taboos are things you are forbidden to do/say, and for which you will be exiled/ostracized for doing. Or in other words: societal censorship. They are very literally the same thing.
  • 0
    Just let them spend their money for shiny stuff, it's the modern version of natural selection
  • 3
    @C0D4 Well as long as you don't say fucking stupid shit like in the rant, you're alright.
  • 5
    @RememberMe 1) No modern phone over $100 has a removable battery.

    2) They're implying that's a bad thing. But it's not... When the battery starts to no longer hold a charge, just replace the fucker and ta da.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet definitely, I love phones with removable batteries. That's one reason I stick with low end phones. I just found it insanely hilarious that anyone would think that that a removable battery is something to mock a phone for, lol
  • 1
    @irene I want to observe a 6 hour long Irene and Root conversation lmao.
  • 2
    @irene Because the fucked up shit that would stem from it would be hilarious
  • 1
    @irene less user friendly and sometimes not worth the effort.
  • 3
    I'm in for the idiot-holocaust! 😊
  • 0
    I just wanted to say that the Holocaust means something like mentally completly burned. so an idiot holocaust would be kinda redundant.
  • 1
    @gitreflog it means:

    Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet the german literal translation is somrthing like "völlig verbrannt". This can of course either interpreted as a mental or physical wasteland..
  • 2
    @gitreflog I'm not fixing to debate the meaning of a word.

    I used it because everyone knows what the Holocaust was and everyone knows what I mean. You got the point, that's all fucking matters lol
  • 2
    @Stuxnet As someone diagnosed with Autism and common sense, I agree with your original statement.
  • 2
    @JohnScott In some cases it does actually make you smarter. My little cousin is mildly autistic. He's smart as fuck. It mainly affects him socially and his maturity.

    Sadly, common sense is no longer common in society.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet Damn I forgot to reply.

    Autism Awareness worked. Now people use the word autistic whenever they mean "Retarded." Which is still the wrong word for when someone does something stupid.

    Don't worry we're cool.

    I agree, Apple Fanboys seem to be unable process the concept that they have alternatives. And each model with their own compromises at every price range.

    You want a phone for selfies? Android has phones for that. You want to play Candy Crush at full fucking resolution? Android has phones for that. You want to run scripts from your pocket? Android has a fucking PDA for that with the "Planet Gemini."
  • 4
    @JohnScott Not trying to come off as a dick, but I stopped caring if my words piss people off ages ago. Especially when the words are on the internet.

    But kudos to you for acknowledging it's just words and not taking it to heart. It's refreshing to not see someone being overly sensitive these days.

    Furthermore, it's refreshing to see common sense exists still.

    But exactly. There's only a few cases where I think someone might NEED an iPhone, but other than that, Android can do it all and for cheaper.
  • 0
    Just let people use iPhone,even though I'm a hardcore Android fanboy i still recommend iPhone to most of the people, they keep their market value and less complicated
  • 2
    @TRex I don't give a shit what they use. But the cuntiness and false sense if superiority has to fucking stop.
  • 4
    @Stuxnet as an iPhone user, I have to agree.
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