Every fucking time i see dual boot with a machine with WinCrap, the windows manager always end up messing with the boot at the bios forcing me to reinstall grub again to make a proper boot. Most of the time the Windows Boot Manager still is corrupt.

I feel rage about that, why does Windows is so badly design when it come to boot manager? I would think they would fucking figure it out after the 90'S!! But no, to fucking busy fucking with people's machine with broken update and feature nobody use... Fuck Microsoft!

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    Last time I tried dual booting, I never used grub to boot to whatever linux distro. I always went to the bios boot menu to select the distro. It boots into windows by default (for me). I never had windows mess up linux boot.
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    Just setup my gf's machine with lubuntu dual boot, hope it withstands an update.
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    @DrPitLazarus Everytime i tried that, Windows Boot Manager always take the front and mess with other partition so when i manually change it in the BIOS like you suggest, it say that it doesn't find the boot information. It only work if i Physically remove the hard drive when installing windows and make sure Windows is never booted when that HDD is connected. Every time Windows see a new partition it write on it a system information folder which fuck up a few things.

    Wonder what i do differently than you, but still very stupid if you ask me.
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