Hey guys.
What framework works well with Vue for front-end?
I'm redesigning my webpage but lack ideas and don't know much about frameworks.

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    Any framework, but laravel delivers it with vue by default.
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    vue is like jQuery it goes everywhere
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    For backend? Most likely any REST framework
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    So, Lavarel works for frontend and backend? Since it's a PHP framework...
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    @GyroGearloose and vue is a frontend framework.
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    Anything that produces a restful service really. At least in my experience, something like Django REST or an API built with Flask, Sinatra, Slim, Rails or Express fits the bill pretty good.

    .net core works beautifully for creating rest apis as well, oh and go. Basically anything really.

    It is true that it comes out the box with Laravel tho.
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    I'll go with Lavarel.. picked it before, and changed to Bulma because it was easier... But now I regret it.
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    @GyroGearloose what? 😅😅😅
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    @GyroGearloose please tell me this is fake.
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    @Wombat No, I'm just a noob with a burnout...
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    1. Laravel is a backend PHP framework.
    2. Vue is a frontend JavaScript framework.
    3. Bulma is a CSS framework.

    All are standalone. But they can be combined. There's no decisions wich eliminates one because of the other.
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    @Wombat Nicely explained, thank you.
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    @GyroGearloose thanks. I was you a while ago. 😉
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    @Wombat Well, not I'm even more confused lol
    My only problem with Bulma is the Menus... I don't like them, wanted something more interactive...
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    @GyroGearloose if you are using Bulma and Vue there's Buefy wich combines both and offers dynamic components. But if this whole stuff confuses you, maybe keep using plain JS and CSS to get more comfortable with it.
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    @GyroGearloose what kind of experience do you have and what do you want to learn/make?

    I have the feeling that you are really confused about things, so in order to help you need to take a step back and explain things. I'm willing to help you outside of devrant if you want.
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    @Wombat looked to Buefy, it actually promises a lot, but found the documentation confusing and there is no youtube tutorials for it...
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    @Codex404 Barelly almost none... know the basics of a few languages and html, never actually did a big project.
    I want to do my home page, but I want to start in a good base (good framework I won't change like I already did 3 or 4 times).
    It's on a VPS, so better start doing it right...
    you can look at my current ugly page at https://rjpf.ddns.net/ done with Bulma...
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    @Codex404 know a little of C, Python, PHP, JS, nothing special, but enough for the basics, the rest I'll research while I go, like always...
    That's the best way for me to learn also, that's why I don't mind scrapped old pages...
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    I use vue with laravel for my projects.

    For css I mainly use bootstrap and font awesome.

    My raspberry energy meter project is done with this stack
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    @MisterArie Would give ya double plus for the Pi project :D Looks nice
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    @GyroGearloose Thats why I mentioned it. I follow you so I kinda know what your slippers intressted in
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    @GyroGearloose Just one thing I didn't get it yet, what framework you use for the front-end? Bootstrap? and the others for the backend?
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