
Static site generators are fun and games until you try to add a self hosted image file to your site. 😢

  • 1
    That's a very unusual use case, that's why this is practically impossible with a static site generator. SSGs are for text only websites. I mean, who could possibly want IMAGES on a website?! ;-)
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop 😲 okay now i'm surprised. Thank you for pointing that out. This probably explains why there is nearly not any mentenioning of media in the vuepress docs.

    Damm it! you I need to make a documentation with vuepress for office clerks and not for nerdy autistic devs. That means i need to add gifs of the gui to a markdown. 😔
    So uploading and href linking it is.
  • 0
    Made it! RTFM helps. Added a src folder next to the markdown files.
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