
After some time I picked up learning golang again. It's very different from the "high-level" world in C# I initially came from, but I am finding my way better every day.
What are your experiences / maybe projects with golang?

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    object, err := DoSomething()
    if err != nil {
    // I hate typing this everywhere, but the rest of go is extremely convenient.
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    What made you switch to Go?
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    It just looks ugly to me, worse than kotlin even.

    I wouldn‘t wanna work with it
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    I like having tidy tools for every particular thing that I do.
    Golang, Vala, Scala, populate the "shiny new tools, never opened, behind glass" shelf.
    I've played around, but never gotten to actually needing to use any of them.
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    @julkali I think mostly from a colleague from work. He told me about it, and I like learning new stuff, so I gave it a try.
    We use it also for some deployment related "scripts" which I needed to understand.
    At but the moment I haven't really switched to go, C# is currently my "main language", but I want to do more go in the the future.
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    @Ximidar I know what you mean. But what I experienced is, that, against my expectations, writing the error checks doesn't feel "wrong".
    Anyway, there are planning a new error handling syntax for Go 2.x
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