Spent the last 4-5 hours trying to find a solution to a though problem, couldn't find a clue.

Guess what I found as soon as I slipped into bed?

  • 0
    a diazepam which finally gave u some rest 😆
  • 3
    It means you should sleep more hours and work less.
  • 3
    Should've gone to bed earlier.
  • 1
    @noms89 I don't think is that, I'm not working so much in this period. I was not tired, was just late and had to go to bed. But as soon as I turned off the laptop and touched the bed the idea came. I implemented it the next afternoon and it worked perfectly first try. Maybe I had been focusing on the wrong thing for all the time and the only thing that I needed was to change focus for a while. It worked, but it sucks to waste time 😅
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