
Is there a way to download and include in the compilation the sources of STL libraries?

  • 0
    I'm not sure what you mean, the STL libraries are already in the c++ stdlib
  • 1
    You already have the STL sources, otherwise you wouldn't be able to use it

    Anything template in C++ *must* be defined within a header file, since the compiler needs to be able to generate the correct code for each instation separately

    So if you have the headers, you have the source
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme I would like to bundle the STL library(#include "iostream") rather than have it somewhere on the operating system (#include <iostream>).
    Is that possible?
  • 0
    @h4xx3r 1.) That doesn't really make any sense, since the only difference between "" and <> in includes is where the compiler starts searching for files (and it will ultimately end up in the system directory either way)

    2.) Are you talking about statically linking the runtime? It's the next-closest thing, but something rather different

    Your question isn't very clear. Maybe rethink your question and what you're actually trying to accomplish and what the difference between the symbols in #include is (explained here https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/...)
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