10+ years into the field and my relatives still don't know what I do for living. :(

  • 0
    Understandably if you code say PHP.
  • 4
    Neither does my boss. He now gives me problems and just tells me to work my magic.
  • 1
    @billgates that's retarded
  • 5
    Relative : What do you do again ?
    Me : i am a developer, i make apps you use on daily basis.
    Relative : That is stupid, even my 5yo grandsaughter can use a computer.
    Me : It's not the sa..
    Relative : Look, you are young, you could have a much better job for minimum wage. I know a friend who can hire you into the factory, i will contact him for you.
    Me : My salary is a lot higher than th...
    Relative : Hm? You need to be useful to the world, don't just go work all day and play with computer all day, it's stupid.
    Me : Sigh.
  • 1
    @billgates yeah infact the word they use now is automagically
  • 1
    @Bubbles well actually I just realized that I may be the only person on my team that creates his own repos.

    i create a lot standalone apps to solve new problems rather than adding on a feature our main apps (I do that too)
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    @CoffeeNcode ☹️
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