
For fuck sake why can't people implement instant payment charges when you order something and not when it gets shipped!

Ordered a board game for about $150 AUD about 3 months ago and my batch was just finished so I just got charged... It's not like a have a fucking trip to Melbourne with some mates this weekend .-.

It can't be that hard guys, charge people when they order and not when it's ready -.-

  • 5
    @davenall not charging someone for months and doing it without warning or notification?

    That's pretty bad
  • 4
    >buying board games in 2018
  • 3
    “We will charge your credit card for payment when your order is ready to be shipped”

    This generally means, keep enough money available until the day they charge it, although I do agree the notification prior to being charged should be a must to give a “yo heads up, your about to go broke”
  • 1
    @davenall it will be fine I'm probably/100% overreacting tbh

    @C0D4 as far as I'm aware they didn't state when the money would come out, either way it's done guess I should get over it
  • 2
    Actually same happened with me today. Ordered Nike socks, got charged when dispatched later.

  • 0
    @irene board and card games are the shit
  • 0
    @davenall @irene it's not an Australian thing... I think... Maybe
  • 0
    @irene well us Aussies are shit cunts which is a compliment so I guess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    Your not supposed to charge a card until it ships, you can hold an authorisation but max is 28 days
  • 0
    Yes, a notification should be provided at least.
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