Say... Client centric... One... More... Time...

Why can't there be an employee centric company??

  • 6
    They are there. Its companies that have a product and sell it as is.
  • 2
    Because clients bring in the money. You know, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop but if you don't take care of your employees who's gonna take care of the clients? ;)
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    @Fast-Nop seen quite a few people jump ship this month... For obvious reasons Im not naming the company ^^
  • 1
    @Rick-C137 other employees. It's not like there's a dev shortage, provided you pay them reasonably.
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    @Fast-Nop there is a Dev shortage here actually but that's not sustainable or good for employees/clients...
    Eventually it forces us to just not care anymore and code gets worse and worse.

    Thats my view anyways
  • 1
    @Rick-C137 there is no dev shortage. The only "shortage" is experienced devs who'd want to work for peanuts, and you get around that by paying reasonably.

    Of course, if you settle down in a super expensive area like Silicon Valley, then you have to shell out lots of money because the employees' cost of housing is extreme. Don't want that? Relocate to a cheaper area.
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    @Fast-Nop to clarify: there is a Dev shortage in my country as most devs have migrated to different countries.
    In general there isn't a Dev shortage I agree. Until the next batch of devs is out of school we're short here unfortunately
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    Because the client pays $
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    The problem is that the term client centric is usually used as justification for some abomination like building using wordpess or something similar. Also making employees stay overtime without paying.
  • 1
    There are employee centric companies. You can work in those and your title will be Freelancer
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    @OldN00b uhm... In Greece right now you have to pay 70% of what you make as a freelancer in taxes... And also prepay the next year's taxes based on the current year's income...

    Sound good? :D
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    @Rick-C137 in that case Client centric seems better
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    Companies which build exactly what the client asks for always die.

    Companies which build a great core product, and only use feedback to distill it into a long term vision will survive.
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    @Rick-C137 that falls under "pay them reasonably".
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    If your first priority are your customers, then your employees always come second. Like a coach looking out for the fans instead of the team. I can see lot of disengagement and churn in that team.
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