
The fuckening

  • 4
    Aaaah, some good stuff to lift my mood at the SOD. Thank you 😁
  • 1
    Why does that sound like something Ricky or Bubbles would say...
  • 1
    rofl 😂 u made my day bud, ty so much 😂
  • 1
    bro thanks for this
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    @rEaL-jAsE sure I stole it too lol
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    @darkrtl92 you're welcome
  • 2
    @Nanos well, that's a three way isn't it
  • 2
    and when all that shit is free, a freeway fuckening is served to thee
  • 3
    Exactly what happened the day I walked from my job in 2012. I was slammed for hours, barely keeping my head above water. Was called into my supervisor's office and was told I'd done NOTHING for half an hour! Someone deleted my work. I went back to my desk and my fingers were shaking to the point I couldn't type. So, I followed the advice I gave myself after giving notice at another job. "If your job starts to affect your mental health, get up and and get out."
  • 1
    Thanks for the terms that best describe my day to day job
  • 1
    I almost read something related to certain celebreties there....
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