When I graduated and I applied for jobs, companies were all over me and I was flooded with phone calls and e-mails of recruiters. For each job I applied for, I would get a reply 9 out of 10 times.

Now, 2 years later, 1 year in the field and jobless, I get zero replies and no one is interested in me anymore. Most of them say that they don't want someone who's worked for only 6 months in one company and a few months in others. It isn't even my fault.

Has anyone experienced this?

  • 2
    Not in dev, but yes.

    Employers don’t generally trust people that appear to jump Jobs often, even if it’s at no fault of your own.
  • 0
    Currently experiencing the exact same thing. I jumped around between 3 companies in the past year and now any company i apply to never answers even tho my skills and experience grew significantly since then. Used to be very successful in at least getting interviews.

    I guess recruiters dont like the idea of us not sticking to jobs we dont like and call us unstable for doing so :/
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    This is why I'm now trapped in my job for at least another year and a half. I don't want to risk this shit.
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    @craig939393 seems a little extreme, how long have you been there?
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    @craig939393 I'd hope that future employers would look past that as long as it isn't a pattern. Idk how you'd explain it in a positive way though
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    I was at a company 1 year, then 3 months, now I'm at this place and it's been 3 months.

    Leaving my last company after 3 months made it a lot harder to get another job.

    I actually do like where I am now but things just aren't don't properly enough.
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