After like 5 years of programming, I've lost motivation. Any suggestions?

  • 12
    I was writing question already about how can you lose it then I checked tags..
    Its because of php. You need to change that. Its a big step I know but its an important step. If you like backend go nodejs, net core, go... Anything
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    Learn Rust and fall in love with programming all over again
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    learn prolog
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    @irene dammit irene leave my php alone!!
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    New role, new me!
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    Do something fun
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    @Kekica nodejs instead of php? You're joking...

    @sain2424 change your job or... maybe try something else, like silkworm breeding? 😉
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    thats a sign you need to build a startup. dont listen to other people by learning new programming languages. if you just keep learning languages you will go nowhere and fall into depression of not achieving anything. believe me what i tell you before its too late.
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    Learn a new language and all the benefits it comes with... Maybe try a system programming language
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    5 months of ops should fix that.
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    Take a damn break!
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    @SukMikeHok did you build a start up?
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    Geht away from users
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    Learn a new skill, some algorithms, datastructures or a new paradigm like functional programming. For me it always brings out the need to apply my new skills on something :)
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    @SukMikeHok I don't agree with you.
    I have been programming in PHP, JavaScript, Java, C#, (SQL) and am learning Rust now. Each of these has applications in which it is the most useful one (right tool for the job) or a necessary language.
    In addition, learning new languages, with new core paradigms, will broaden your perspective, enrich your skillset, and teach you better coding.
    Apart from that, just the joy of learning a new language can be worth it. Just discovering new things, being amazed by the features a language provides.

    In conclusion, I strongly argue for exploring a new language once in a while.
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    Make sure your actions are in line with your goals.

    If you spent the next 10 years doing what you're doing, will you get any closer to achieving them? If not, change what you're doing.

    "If you want to change something in your life, you've got to change something in your life. And that's probably going to be you." -- Casey Combden
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    Learn kotlin
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    I believe what's in the tag is the source of your problem
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    @Kekica I use nodejs, i don't think its programming language issue.
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    @mlask I don't know anything apart from programming
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    @SukMikeHok sounds interesting, don't know where to start
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