
Especially when you are playing League Of Legend ore finishing the code...😡😡😡

  • 7
    It's a matter of settings. I've never had involuntary downtime due to Windows 10 updates.
  • 1
    @kamen shhhh don't use logic!

    Just blindly hate windows based off old stereotypes!!! That's what's cool these days
  • 0
    @Stuxnet ... yeah, until you want to play a game.
  • 0
    Yeah, except when those settings either don't work (as happened to me), or are silently reset as Microsoft likes to do with every other freakin' W10 update.

    It's a systemic problem. Microsoft has no respect for the Windows user or their preferences.

    There is no update ever made that was *so damn important* that it was worth booting the user out of whatever they were doing that very second. There is no circumstance under which rebooting out from under the user is acceptable. NONE.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Most users don't have SMB open to the internet, so there wasn't a realistic way for most people to become infected. Note the usual victims of Wananacry were corporations.
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